Art in some form has always been part of my identity. Whether it be clay, fiber or paint, I feel called to create.

My undergraduate degree is in Psychology and Fine Arts (focus on ceramics and fiber). I pursued psychology in graduate school and as a career but always practiced some sort of art as an avocation. I created in the fiber arts for many years and took classes in watercolor at local art centers near my home in N.J.

I retired from my psychotherapy practice and my husband and I fulfilled our dream of moving to Maine where we had vacationed for over 30 years.I often take the opportunity to plein air (outdoors on location) watercolor sketch as we hike the woodlands and mountains and paddle the lakes, soaking up inspiration.

I began painting in watercolors in earnest as the pandemic was just beginning. I realized that the classes I had taken years ago were focused solely on representational painting and I was longing to paint from my heart. The pandemic silver lining for me was falling in love with the wonder of watercolor. The journey continues…